June 21th is Go Skateboarding, International Yoga, Make Music, National Arizona, Nationallight Appreciation Day and more!

Go Skateboarding Day

On June 21st each year for Go Skateboarding Day, inspired skaters carve a spot on their calendar.

International Yoga Day

Every year on June 21st, the International Day of Yoga raises concerns about the benefits of this mind and body workout. It's also a day to encourage people around the world to practice Yoga.

National Arizona Day

## national arizona day

National Daylight Appreciation Day

On June 21st, the summer solstice (the longest day of daylight in the northern hemisphere) is celebrated each year and encourages people to enjoy the sun's many benefits.

National Peaches ‘n’ Cream Day

National Peaches'n' Cream Day, which is celebrated annually on June 21st, recognizes a delicious way to eat ripened peaches. It's also a convenient way to start and end the summer solstice. (See National Daylight Appreciation Day for the meaning of summer solstice.)

National Selfie Day

Thanks to social media and the smartphone, June 21st recognizes a form of self-portrait that wouldn't exist without them; it's National Selfie Day. We're encouraged to take creative (appropriate) selfies and post them on social media.

National Smoothie Day

National Smoothie Day, June 21st, celebrates the refreshing beverage brought to you by the blender, capitalizing on the bountiful fruits and vegetables available this time of year.

World Hydrography Day

World Hydrography Day, June 21st, emphasizes the importance of surveying and charting bodies of water. The day also encourages the general public to learn more about hydrograph science.

World Peace And Prayer Day

People of all faiths and nations are encouraged to pray for the planet every year on June 21st during the summer solstice. It's also a day to learn more about Mother Earth and inspire youth to care for the planet.