June 1th is National Go Barefoot, National Hazelnut Cake, National Heimlich Maneuver, National Nail Polish, National Pen Pal and more!

National Go Barefoot Day

On June 1st, you will have the opportunity to kick off your shoes and run barefoot through the cool grass on National Go Barefoot Day. More importantly, it is a day to help a charity that helps millions of underprivileged children around the world get shoes.

National Hazelnut Cake Day

If you're participating in National Hazelnut Cake Day, spend some time in the kitchen baking up a delectable hazelnut cake.

National Heimlich Maneuver Day

National Heimlich Maneuver Day, each year on June 1st, recognizes a life-saving measure. To remove air from the lungs, the Heimlich Maneuver uses abdominal thrusts. Someone is coughing while someone else is coughing. The forced air expels an object on which someone is coughing. In 1974, Dr. Henry J. Heimlich invented this life-saving procedure. Abdominal Thrusts is also referred to as The Heimlich Maneuver in the literature. The observance also marks National Safety Month, and the Heimlich Maneuver is just one of the many things you can do this month.

National Nail Polish Day

Every year, National Nail Polish Day primes us with every shade under the sun on June 1st. Sandals and beaches also provide manicures and pedicures.

National Pen Pal Day

National Pen Pal Day, which is observed each year on June 1st, is a way to tell your pen pals how much money they mean to you. The day is the perfect time to send special letters and gifts to your pen pals.

National Say Something Nice Day

On National Say Something Nice Day, we have the opportunity to make June 1st more enjoyable for everyone.

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day


World Reef Awareness Day

Consumer, companies, and organizations should take action on the fragile ecosystem of our ocean's coral reefs on June 1st, as a call to action for consumers, businesses, and organizations. The day brings together the general public, influencers, and opinion leaders to inspire active change through education and engagement.