January 28th is Data Privacy, Global Community Engagement, National Blueberry Pancake, National Fun At Work, National Gift Of The Ladybug and more!

Data Privacy Day

Every year, Data Privacy Day, reminds us that every year to review how our personal information is used. It's a great time to take stock and assess our personal security.

Global Community Engagement Day

Every year, on January 28th, Global Community Engagement Day aims to encourage businesses, individuals, and businesses to better engage with their communities.

National Blueberry Pancake Day

The sweetness of blueberries will be added to your pancake, flapjack, or hotcake on January 28th, National Blueberry Pancake Day.

National Fun At Work Day

For example, when everyone around the office has a birthday, it's so easy to do during National Fun At Work Day on Friday! To find National Days to Celebrate at Work, head over to Search here! and enter any date for the current week (January 28 for example).

National Gift Of The Ladybug Day

All children with critical illnesses are eligible for National Gift of the Ladybug Day, January 28th, honors all children with significant illnesses. The day is also a chance to raise concerns of childhood illnesses and help the children and families with medical difficulties.

National Kazoo Day

The United States' National Kazoo Day, January 28th, honors nearly 200 years of kazoo music. The day also encourages playing and learning about the kazoo.