Ipod Day
On October 23rd, the portable music player is recognized for the National iPod Day.
#ipod day
Apple introduced the iPod on October 23, 2001. Apple introduced the iPod on October 23, 2001. The iPod changed the way we listened to and purchased music. iPod Day honors this pioneering technology and the many people it affected. The first iPod was sold on November 10, 2001, for $399. Like never before, the iPod introduced us to playlists and a way of organizing our music collections like never before. It took portability to a whole new degree. Soon, the iPod will be used in other media. It changed the way we read books, stories, and news.
The device also changed the way we told stories. Many that had something to broadcast could film them. The show will be streamed to a listener. Listeners will tune-in by downloading the podcast. Thousands of apps today include ways to listen to podcasts.
Let's not forget Steve Jobs, co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.
How to celebrate ipod day on ipod day
In honor of the revolutionary technology that changed the way we listen to music, Play music on your iPod or any mobile device. Share your first iPod and your new playlist. How many playlists do you have? How many playlists do you have? Do you have a favorite podcast or produce one? #iPodDay is a hashtag that you can post on social media.