International Plain Language Day
The use of clear and simple information is encouraged on International Plain Language Day, October 13, worldwide Plain Language Day. It's also a day to remind people that plain language is important.
Have you ever read a research, blog post, or another form of written communication? Did you have trouble understanding what you were reading? If so, it could be because it was not written in clear and simple words. Plain language should be used by all businesses, organizations, and governments should embrace the idea of using plain language. Why? Why? Just consider the average reading level of the general population. The average person reads at a 7th to 8th grade level in the United States. Only 22% of the population reads at a high literacy rate on a global basis.
The following countries with the highest literacy scores include Japan, Finland, Netherlands, Australia, and Sweden. The United States ranks 17th in the United States' rankings, ranking 17th. According to this ranking, the United States is below average for literacy in this category. To effectively communicate with the majority of the world's population, plain language is required, as you can see.
- Here are some benefits of using plain language: Here are a few benefits of using plain words
- Reduces mistakes
- Gets word out in the fastest time possible
- Decreases tension and anxiety for readers, which has decreased
- More people are aware of the message. More people are aware of the message
- Reduces the likelihood of being misunderstood
Many who use plain language when writing should always write for their reader rather than themselves. In addition, sticking to the topic, writing in an active voice, shortening sentences, and using everyday words can make the text more understandable.
How to celebrate #plainlanguageday
This day is an initiative that is aimed at companies, organizations, and anyone that needs to engage with the public is encouraged to celebrate this day. Writing competitions, plain language instruction sessions, luncheons, and exhibitions of plain language work are all present around the world.
To participate:
- Take a writing course
- Write a paragraph or essay and ask others how well they know it
- Learn more about the benefits of using plain language
- Commit to reading and writing every day
#PlainLanguageDay or #IPLD is a simple hashtag on social media shared this day with a simple note on social media with #PlainLanguageDay or #IPLD.
The first international plain language day has a rich history
Two plain language specialists have been praised for launching International Plain Language Day. In the early 1990s, Cheryl Stephens and Kate Harrison Whiteside first introduced the international plain language network in the early 1990s. They held the first International Plain Language Day on October 13, 2011, the first International Plain Language Day in the United States, which was signed in 2010 to raise demand for plain language for the public.