Ssshhhhhhh! Don't worry about it. Don't even think about it. Nothing is to be said about diets today, but nothing is to be said about them. That's because it's International No Diet Day. Every May 6, it is commemorated.
Remember that you made a New Years Resolution to exercise, exercise, or lose weight just a few months ago? Now here it is, almost summer. How did the resolution work for you?
"Those who enroll in weight loss services lose almost 10% of their body weight within a year, and almost all of it within five years," the Institute of Medicine says.
Take a break. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Participants are encouraged to: Participate in: Participants are encouraged to:
- Instead of focusing on appearances, Compliment colleagues focus on skills, accomplishments, and contributions rather than focusing on appearances
- A day without dieting and dietary cravings about weight and shape have been declared
- Question the belief that one "right" body shape and embrace body diversity
- Learn the truth about the diet industry and how commercial diets are ineffective
- Helping eliminate weight discrimination, sizeism, and fatphobia
To post on social media, use #NoDietDay to tweet.
For more details, visit the website UC Davis Integrated Medicine for more details.
- Mary Evans Young founded International No Diet Day in 1992, which will be celebrated on May 5 in the United States. Young is the director of the British group "Diet Breakers." Many California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, among others in the southwest, were concerned that the date conflicted with Cinco De Mayo. Young decided to change the date to May 6, which is also her birthday
- feminists in several countries increased International No Diet Day in 1993, 1993 – feminists in several countries increased International No Diet Day
- Both the International Size Acceptance Association (ISAA) and the National Organization for Women (NOW) began sponsoring and observing similar days in 1998