International Mother Earth Day
People from around the world on April 22, people banded together to celebrate International Mother Earth Day. The day is going to be devoted to re-establishing our fragile relationship with nature. "The Earth and its ecosystems are our home" and "it is essential to promote harmony with nature and the Earth."
"Mother Earth" is used to describe human beings, other animal species, and the planet we all live on.
Mother Earth Day is celebrated in many countries and regions because it is "a common term for planet earth in a variety of countries and regions," according to the resolution, which highlights interdependence among human beings, other living species, and the planet we all live on."
To remove garbage, safely patrol the roadsides and ditches.
Pick a watershed or beach and clear up garbage before it is swept away.
Pledge to go without using plastic for the entire day.
Investigate that nearby native cultures honor Mother Earth in their language or faith.
#internationalmotherearthday or #motherearthday are both popular topics on social media. Follow #internationalmotherearthday or #motherearthday on social media.
The United Nations General Assembly established International Mother Earth Day in 2009, according to Resolution A/RES/63/278. The Resolution was introduced by The Plurinational State of Bolivia and endorsed by more than 50 member states.
This Day also acknowledges a collective responsibility, as called for in the 1992 Rio Declaration, to foster harmony with nature and the Earth to ensure a harmonious balance between the human, socioeconomic, and environmental needs of present and future generations of humanity.