International Kissing Day
International Kissing Day, July 6th, celebrates the enjoyable act of kissing and the role it plays in cultures around the world. The day reminds people that a kiss between friends, lovers, family, and even pets is the most important. Many companies, websites, and social media pages all agree that it's a celebrated day for promotion of their products or services.
Kissing is often associated with romantic feelings, but there are other forms of kisses. An "X" would be written in recent history, before it was normal for people to write, before it was common for people to write. Then the signer would kiss the X as a promise to respect the signature. (Could this be where the "X" symbol came to represent a kiss?) (Could this be where the "X" symbol came to refer to a kiss?) (Could this be where the "X" symbol came to represent a kiss?)
A greeting is given on the cheek by some societies. While some kisses suggest a kinship, some kisses suggest a kinship. Watch a parent or a grandparent with a young child and you'll see tender kisses.
It's an ageless pastime. According to study, 5% of people over the age of 45 are locking lips at least 31 times a week.
"Early Christians kissed one another in very specific settings that distinguished them from the non-Christian community," Michael Penn's book Kissing Christians. At the end of I Thessalonians, the first Christian mention of the ritual kiss is found: "Greet one another with a holy kiss." "Kiss of peace" was used during prayer, Eucharist, ordination, and other areas connected with greetings, funerals, monastic vows, and martyrdom.
More kissing facts
In the book The Art of Kissing by William Case, a research of kissing was published.
- A minute of passionate kissing burns 6.4 calories per minute
- A Hershey's kiss packs 26 calories, which takes five minutes of walking – or about four minutes of kissing – to burn off
- The study of kissing is also known as philematology
- Lips are 100 times more sensitive than finger tips
How to celebrate #internationalkissingday
Are you set for some kissing? Listen to an NPR interview on the science of kissing. Around the world, organisers around the world host events to celebrate International Kissing Day. Many that have lovers and those who are looking for them are aiming for an event.
Perhaps your neighborhood will sponsor a "Kiss-in"? It helps you test drive a potential date's lips before you ever hook up with them for a real date.
Some schools host kissing lessons to teach students how to be the best kisser. Here are detailed instructions: If it's a romantic kiss you want to try, here are detailed instructions: https://international-kissing-day.org/how-to-kiss/ http://www.international-kissing-day.org/how-to-kiss/ http://www.international-kissing-day.org/how-to-kiss/ http://www.international-kissing-day.org/how-to-kiss/ how-to-kiss/ http://www.international-kissss http://www.
Use #InternationalKissingDay to join in the discussion on social media.
The first international kissing day has a rich tradition in the United States
International Kissing Day, which began in 2006, began to concentrate on the kissing that takes place between lovers and the place it occupies in our culture.