International Day For The Abolition Of Slavery
Every year on December 2nd, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery draws attention to slavery, which still exists in the world. This day also focuses on the eradication of modern slavery.
Many Americans think of slavery as something from history. African Americans slaves were slave slaves who were slave slaves in this sense. In 1865, the country put an end to this kind of slavery.
However, slavery does exist, despite the fact that it does exist. Modern slavery and human trafficking are a billion-dollar industry today. Global revenues are expected to exceed $150 billion. According to the United Nations, slavery traps are killing over 40 million people around the world. Around one in four children, modern slavery victimization accounts for one in four children. In addition, victims of modern slavery suffer unimaginable cruelty.
The key aspects of modern slavery include:: The following are the key aspects of modern slavery:
- Forced labour – includes migrant workers who work in domestic servitude, agriculture, and the food and clothing industry. Prostitution is also included in Forced labour, as well as prostitution
- Children are used for economic exploitation, which is why child labour is so important. Any situation in which work robs children of their childhood or hinders their ability to attend school is also included
- Trafficking – recruiting, transporting, coercing, or coercing people to exploit them in some manner. It usually refers to prostitution, but it also includes slave labour, slavery, or servitude
Modern slavery is usually blamed on minority groups in society. These groups include tribal minorities, indigenous peoples, and those that identify with a low caste. Victims also include those who are unable to fight back. These victims are children, women, and those with a mental disorder or physical disability.
How to observe
Individuals and organisations can share their thoughts on contemporary slavery in a variety of ways. They write newspaper papers, blog posts, host informational seminars, exhibits, and presentations. People are encouraged by political figures and activists to avoid modern slavery.
To participate:
- Learn how to celebrate a potential trafficking survivor
- Become an informed customer and avoid buying products or services made by businesses that promote child labor or other forms of slavery
- In your neighborhood, you can support anti-trafficking campaigns
- Ask your local, state, and federal representatives what they are doing to eliminate modern slavery, and they will tell you what they are doing to eliminate modern slavery
- Organize a fundraiser and give the funds to an anti-trafficking group
- Listen to stories of those who survived modern slavery and human trafficking
- Watch a documentary on modern slavery, including Born into Brothels, The Storm Makers, and Slavery: a 21st Century Evil
#AbolitionOfSlaveryDay or #EndModernSlavery is a popular hashtag on social media.
The United Nations General Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Peoples and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others was adopted on December 2, 1949. On December 2nd, a UN report on Slavery in 1985 recommended the proclamation of World Day for the Abolition of Slavery. The recommendation included all forms of slavery. By 1995, the world learned the day as International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.