International Asteroid Day
Every year on June 30th, International Asteroid Day raises public concern about the dangers of an asteroid strike. In the case of a credible near-Earth object occurrence, it's also a day to alert the public that crisis communication steps are still needed.
Some asteroids even have a companion moon on some of the planets that are considered minor planets, and some asteroids even have a companion moon. These massive objects orbit the sun consisting of rock, metals, and other parts. The largest asteroids are over 300 miles in diameter. If they were to collide with the Earth, the harm would be severe.
An asteroid collision could have environmental consequences, such as shock waves, heat radiation, earthquakes, and tsunamis. The most recent asteroid count is 958,915. The majority of these asteroids orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists refer to this area as the asteroid belt in this region. Asteroids are divided into three classes.
Asteroid classes
The following asteroids belong to the three classes of asteroids:
- (chondrite) – This most common type of asteroid is composed of clay and silicate rocks
- S-type (stony) – This asteroid is composed of silicate rocks and nickel-iron
- Nickel-iron makes these asteroids of the M-type (metallic) variety (metallic) – Nickel-iron makes these asteroids
Near-earth asteroids are closely monitored by scientists. These asteroids are within 28 million miles of the Earth's orbital distance. Although this may seem a long way away, you should still consider how fast asteroids travel. The average asteroid travels at 15.5 miles per second. That's a speed of 930 miles per minute, or 55,800 miles per hour.
According to scientists, an asteroid named Apophis would fly very close to Earth in 2029. According to the scientists, the asteroid is expected to be only 25,000 miles from Earth. The majority of Earth's communication satellites are located within this distance. Gravity could cause this asteroid to deviate its course and collide with Earth in 2036. Scientists agree that we must have a space system in place by 2040 that will shield our planet from potential impacts due to asteroids and other near-earth objects.
How to celebrate #internationalasteroidday
A petition titled the 100XAsteroid Declaration was launched on the first Asteroid Day. Every year, people are encouraged to sign a petition calling for the asteroid discovery rate to 100,000 times a year within the next ten years. You can participate in this day by signing the petition. #InternationalAsteroidDay is also posted on social media.
The international asteroid day is the first international asteroid day in history
Four people are credited with the establishment of Asteroid Day. Dr. Brian May, a lead guitarist for the rock band QUEEN, Danica Remy, President of B612 Foundation, Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut, and filmmaker Grig Richters are among the co-founders, including Dr. Brian May, an astrophysicist and lead guitarist for the rock band QUEEN, Danica Remy, Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut, and filmmaker Grig Richters. The Tundra tragedy was commemorated on June 30th. A mysterious cosmic force in Siberia occurred on June 30th, 1908. International Asteroid Day was established in 2016 with support from the United Nations.