International Anti-corruption Day
Every year on December 9th, International Anti-Corruption Day raises public concern for anti-corruption. It also encourages the public to participate in innovative strategies aimed at resolving corruption battles.
Corruption is defined as dishonest or fraudulent activity. Others characterize dishonesty as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. Usually, those in power use corruption to achieve their objectives. Corruption takes many forms. Bribery, price-fixing, and embezzlement are only a few of the offences connected with corruption. According to the United Nations, $1 trillion is paid in bribes every year. These crimes take in $2.6 trillion on an annual basis by corruption. These estimates add up to more than 5 percent of the global GDP, up more than 5 percent.
Corruption plays a role in entire nations' socioeconomic, political, and economic growth. The act has brought down governments and destroyed companies, as well as destroyed companies. However, the poorest and most vulnerable are the most common victims.
Both wealthy and undeveloped countries are subjected to corruption of all sorts. It is much worse in underdeveloped countries, however, than in developed countries. Funds in these countries that have been unable to function are ten times more than the amount of funds needed for development. That's because corruption thrives in places where political institutions are weak.
The most grafted countries include:: The most corrosive countries include::
- Libya
- Afghanistan
- Guinea-Bissau
- Sudan
- North Korea
- Yemen
- Syria
- Somalia
Officials recommend that countries improve the departments in charge of retaining checks and balances over political control in order to make strides against graft. It's also vital for these organizations to function without fear of coercion. In addition, the support of a free and independent media helps to reduce graft. The United Nations encourages the government, the private sector, and locals around the world to join forces in combating this crime.
How to celebrate #anticorruptionday
The United Nations has used the slogan "United Against Corruption" for the past several years. It's not enough to simply know about graft. Citizens around the world must take action, including holding leaders accountable, including holding politicians accountable. In recent years, the United Nations has urged the youth to fight for a democratic world.
Here are a few ways you can participate: Here are some ways you can participate: Here are a few ways you can participate: Here are some ways you can participate:
- Raise concerns about the costs of corruption for essential services such as health and education, as well as health and education
- Teach the children about ethical conduct Teach the children about ethical conduct Teach the children about ethical conduct
- Often report cases of misconduct right away
- Refuse to participate in sports that are dishonest and unlawful
On social media, use #AntiCorruptionDay or #UnitedAgainstCorruption to spread the word. To spread the word, use #AntiCorruptionDay or #UnitedAgainstCorruption.
The international anti-corruption day has a long tradition in the United States
On October 31, 2003, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. The Assembly named December 9th International Anti-Corruption Day during the Convention.