National Wanna Get Away Day | June 18
Sun Jun 18th

National Wanna Get Away Day

National Wanna Get Away Day, June 18th, marks our freedom to get away as the summer travel season approaches.


Planning memorable trips and getting-aways brings out the adventurer in all of us. These get-aways take us back to the family we long to see and historic places. We like the sun, sand, major cities, and the countryside. It is a national pastime with deep roots – one that links all of us to the people and places that are most important in our lives. This is the ultimate National Day for celebrating, imagining, and planning all the adventures you will take this year and every year after.

How to celebrate national wanna get away day on a national wanna get away day

National Wanna Get Away Day is on June 18th, commemorating the freedom to travel on June 18th. With so many places to explore and people to visit, the day gives you the opportunity to spark your travel plans.

  • Plan a dream vacation
  • Near and far, visit loved ones
  • Book one, two, or three mini-adventures are among the many possible mini-adventures
  • Discover faraway destinations
  • Invite someone to visit you
  • has a trip to somewhere new. www.bookingcom
  • Share your old tales – they'll inspire new ones!

Where do you want to go? On social media, post your adventures using #WannaGetAwayDay.

History is a national desire to get away from day history

Southwest Airlines founded National Wanna Get Away in 2021 to celebrate the airline's 50th Anniversary. They have spent half a century making everything seem a little bit closer and giving people the ability to get away, wherever and whenever. Southwest coined the phrase "Wanna Get Away" to highlight the company's growth in 1996. In addition, the word also creates amusing moments that are relevant to its customers within its sales. Southwest took it a step farther to commemorate its 50th Anniversary by announcing this new annual day. As "Wanna Get Away" has become a well-known and respected brand, Southwest has taken it one step further to honor the brand's 50th anniversary.