International Being You Day
On May 22, The International Being You Day invites you to celebrate being you. You will discover what it means to truly be you during this day, beyond the social norms and the desire for perfection. It's your day to discover the beauty of you and your unique abilities. The invitation also gives the opportunity to honor everyone's differences.
In short, the International Being You Day was created for YOU to honor YOU! What if, just for a day, you could disregard the verdict and feel gratitude for yourself? What if you could go from being on autopilot to one of wonder, joy, gratitude, and presence?
Being You Day's theme includes: Being You Day's primary objective includes: Being You Day's focus includes:
- Empowering you to know that your dreams of what is possible are way more valuable than fitting in
- Inviting people to embrace their unique abilities and move away from comparison and judgment as the determining factors for happiness
- Inspiring people should use lightness, joy, and laughter as their guide to who they should and shouldn't be, rather than all the things they should and shouldn't be concerned with regarding our age, race, ethnicity, and families
Knowing being you day is a good thing
You're on a journey of being You! Your invitation to explore International Being You Day is here: You can now explore International Being You Day.
- Do something today that you have always wanted to do but never dared to do! (What if your one day becomes today?) (What if your one day becomes today?)
- Tune in to Beingyouday.com to watch live interviews and videos about how to step into being even more of... you.
- Give yourself a break from judgment! What if May 22 was a day when you did not judge yourself for ANYTHING?
- Make a video or write a blog about something you naturally do or can do well. #beingyouday. What would people be surprised to hear about you?
- Write down three things that are DIFFERENT about you, that you are grateful for, and then post it on social! #beingyouday is the hashtag that is trending on social media.
- Start a list of what gives you a sense of ease and joy and helps you relax into yourself by creating your own "How to Be More of Me – Your Go-To List" – start a list of what gives you a sense of calm and joy and makes you relax into yourself.
On May 22nd, the movement will be launched in an invitation to all. When you celebrate, use #BeingYouDay on social media.
History has a long history of being a day in the United States
Being You, Changing the World, Dr. Dain Heer's book was released in 2011. (A truly innovative toolbox for the world's seekers.) (A truly innovative toolbox for the seekers.) It became a bestseller over the years, with over 17 languages and turned into a series of seminars and workshops with over 100 trained facilitators.
It is becoming a being you movement, owing to people's desire to be themselves, their greatness, and their difference.
We create a space to explore, discover, and celebrate each individual's uniqueness, beyond right or wrong, as well as the judge.
About dr dain heer
Dr. Dain Heer, a author, change-maker, speaker, and co-creator of Access Consciousness, one of the world's largest personal development firms, practiced in 176 countries. Heer has been traveling around the world for more than 20 years, sharing his unique insights on happiness, marriage, getting over the yuck, and everything in between.
Heer was exposed to constant violence as a child in Los Angeles' ghetto, but he never intended to be a victim. He uses a variety of tools and techniques to get people out of the conclusions and decisions that are holding them trapped on a cycle of no choice and no change, leading them to moments of awe that they have the ability to change anything in his talks and workshops.
Dainheer, Instagram and Facebook, keep up with Dain on Instagram and Facebook. www.drdainheer.com For more information, visit www.drdainheer.com
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