National Biographer’s Day
Each 16th of May National Biographer's Day commemorates Samuel Johnson's first meeting with his biographer James Boswell in London, England, on May 16, 1763. Dr. Johnson, a well-known playwright, poet, moralist, essayist, literary critic, editor, and lexicographer.
Johnson was also a biographer.
According to Johnson, the best biographers were those who ate, drank, and "lived in social intercourse" with those about whom they wrote. If that were true, his best biography would be An Account of Mr. Richard Savage, Son of the Earl Rivers, which was published in 1744.
James Boswell, a Scot, met his friend Samuel Johnson at a bookshop near Covent Garden, using the same rule. The Life of Johnson, the most celebrated English biography, is published nearly 30 years after its release.
How to attend national biographer's day
Read the biography of someone who inspired your life on National Biographer's Day. Was it a poet, engineer, salesperson, or politician? Have you read an interesting biography? Have you read an interesting biography? Perhaps you're a biographer. Who is your current topic? Who is your current target? Use #NationalBiographersDay to post on social media. Share the title and the name of the biographer.
Are you looking for a few biographers whose work may pique your curiosity? 5 Biographers & Their Best Works to get a glimpse of some of the best biographies out there.
History of the national biographer's day in the United States. The national biographer's day in history
This story-telling holiday is still researching the sources of this story-telling holiday.