Bird Day
In the United States, we celebrate our feathered friends on several holidays, including Bird Day. Birds of all sorts are found throughout North America. The day honors birds of all sorts.
Birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike will appreciate the beauty and variety of these winged friends' North America has over 2,000 species of birds. They come in every color of plumage and wingspan, from songbirds to waterfowl and domesticated birds.
Migrating birds migrate to their summer nesting grounds in the spring. It's a great time for those new to birdwatching to learn how to recognize birds by species. Enthusiasts also know that birds will migrate through backyards and stop for a rest, a bite to eat, and a drink if the right habitat is available. As new visitors arrive daily, they stand outside their windows with binoculars and watch as new visitors arrive daily. If it's an oriole, a tree swallow, the ruby-throated hummingbird, or an American Finch, you'll want to ensure you've prepared food, natural habitat, and water sources for your guests.
However, birdists are enticed by the passersby, not just the passersby. It's the long-term residents and those of the greater outdoors who live. Year after year, robins gather their nesting wood or chickadees caring for their brood. They wander through nature preserves looking for a glimpse of a diversified thrush or a prairie warbler. If they do, they are often afforded a privileged view of a bald eagle soaring above them.
Enjoy the pleasure of watching and listening to the birds in your neighborhood. Describe your favorite birdwatching experiences. Photographs are worth taking while out and about. Use #BirdDay to post on social media as you do, to promote habitat conservation and preservation.
Bird day history
In 1894, Charles Almanzo Babcock, Oil City, Pennsylvania Superintendent of Schools, established the first Bird Day. It was also the first holiday in the United States dedicated to the celebration of birds. On May 4th, Babcock founded the day to promote bird conservation as a moral virtue.
Relevant observances
- National Bird Day
- World Bird Feeding Month is the month of World Bird Feeding Month
- Bird Day on World Migratory Bird Day is a commemoration of World Migratory Bird Day
- The count of a Great Backyard Bird Count Begins
- National Audubon Day