National Cocktail Day
On March 24th, enjoy all your favorite cocktails. In all the right ways to savor a drink at the end of a long workday, ushers in National Cocktail Day ushers. This day is for you, whether you like a fruity drink, blended or on the rocks. In your bartender book, Mocktail, virgin, or the real thing, celebrates the lemon, lime, bitters, vodka, whiskey, and liqueurs that make your favorite beverages the best in your bartender book.
It's no surprise that almost every month on the calendar celebrates a cocktail. The only notable exception is April, and since it's National Alcohol Awareness Month, it makes sense to skip the month.
The other months pay tribute to the past, ingredients, and designers of some famous cocktails. The Bloody Mary is the year's first day of the year, and there is also a day for her Canadian counterpart, the Bloody Caesar, in May. Mocktails are also devotes an entire week to Mocktails in January. You can commemorate the Margarita and Kahlua in February. International Whisk(e)y Day is March, among other things, is celebrated in March. For your festivities, you can imbibe in both Palomas and Mimosas, dating back to May.
June & july
The most cocktail-related days of the month take place in June and July. The two months cover everything from Martinis and Bourbon in June to Pina Coladas and Daiquiris in July. There are even a few bottles of wine in between. Not only do they celebrate specific cocktails, but they also celebrate the places we love them. Even if it's an ice-cold beer, we're invited to celebrate the places that serve our favorite cocktails on July's National Dive Bar Day.
All our chilled and heated cocktails are available throughout the year. We quickly recall National Repeal Day and the Bartenders who preserve the period and the skills that have been preserved by December.
We've only scratched the surface of the cocktails on the calendar, so National Cocktail Day encourages you to enjoy whichever one you like!
How to celebrate #nationalcocktailday
- Make your favorite cocktail to celebrate
- Explore cocktail ingredients or read a bartender's guide to learn how to read a bartender's manual
- Learn the finer aspects of mixing cocktails and expanding your home bar
- Visit a speakeasy or tour your favorite distillery
- A cocktail pairing session with Host at the Host. Create a classic menu with a professional bartender who shares history and explains the ingredients' subtleties
- Attend a cocktail reception at a cocktail reception. You'll learn more about how and why ingredients are mixed the way they are
- Visit your local bookstore and pick up a cocktail or bar book. Follow the recipes and read about the bartenders' roots. We recommend The Essential Bar Book by Jennifer Fielder, The Art and Science of The Perfect Cocktail by Janice Dreese, and Craft Cocktails at Home: Offbeat Techniques, Contemporary Crowd-Pleasers, and Classics Hacked with Science by Kevin Liu
- Visit your neighborhood bar and pick your bartender's brain. Some people like to show their tricks. Some like to show their secrets. When you ask them what their favorite drink is, they tell them what their favorite cocktail is. And, be sure to thank them for their help and support
- Try making a sarcastic mocktail. Especially on those weeknights, where work is always crowded, and you have to keep up. Many of us are deficient in certain essential nutrients, which many of us are lacking. Keep these recipes on hand for your friends who are designated drivers, sober for life, helping a friend, or for any other reason
- DON'T drink and drive as always, any TIME we are indulging in spirits and alcohol, we don't drink and drive. A sober driver is designated as a designate. Call a taxi, Uber, Lyft, or a friend
- Use #NationalCocktailDay on social media to highlight your favorites. If you're celebrating, post your favorites by using #NationalCocktailDay on social media
The national cocktail day is the longest in national cocktail day history
In 2013, Jace Shoemaker Galloway founded National Cocktail Day. Galloway founded National Cocktail Day in 2013.
Cocktail FAQ
Q. What is the most common spirit used in cocktails?
A. Vodka is most commonly used as a base spirit for cocktails. It's a versatile drink, and manufacturers infuse it with a variety of flavors, adding to its appeal. It also works well with simple or complex ingredients.
Q. What kind of equipment do I need to make great cocktails?
A. The ingredients are the most important component of your bar collection. A shaker, strainer, corkscrew, and muddler are among the most common cocktail making equipment. Ice tongs, spoons, pourers, and straws are among the many items that make mixing more effective.