World Storytelling Day
Every year on March 20th, World Storytelling Day honors oral storytelling. It's also a day for people around the world to listen and tell stories in as many languages as possible.
Many of us go through the day engaging in oral storytelling without even knowing it. Have you ever made up a bedtime tale for your children? Have you ever told a friend about your most embarrassing moment? What about reliving a childhood memory with a sibling? These are all examples of oral storytelling.
Oral storytelling is about illuminating experiences for an audience. This audience includes your children or spouse. Professional storytellers also tell stories to whole groups of people. Most people use gestures, facial expressions, and a variety of tones of voice when telling a tale.
Oral storytelling has many positive aspects. There are some good things about oral storytelling. Oral storytelling creates rich opportunities to reminisce while still connecting our past to our present, in addition to providing a bonding environment. Oral storytelling also fosters creativity and inspires visualization.
#worldstorytellingday is a worldwide storytellingday that can be tracked
On this day, many schools, libraries, and other organizations hold storytelling events. The best way for you to commemorate this day is to tell someone a tale. If you know stories in other languages, please share them as well. In addition, you could also search for videos of your favorite tale told in a different language online. Another way to participate is to sit with family or friends in a circle and take turns sharing stories. The stories could be true or made up. #WorldStorytellingDay is a hashtag that exists on social media. Be sure to post this day on social media with #WorldStorytellingDay.
History is told in a world storytelling day
Around 1991, World Storytelling Day began in Sweden as a national day for storytelling. All Storytellers Day is the day was celebrated as "Alla berättares dag." Storytellers in Australia's five-week anniversary of the story in 1997. The day was designated as the International Day of Oral Narrators. Around this time, Mexico and other Latin American countries were commemorating their own National Day of Storytellers. Ratatosk, Scandinavians' own storytelling web-network, was launched in 2002. From Sweden to Norway, Denmark, Finland, Finland, and Estonia, the new network supported the national day for storytelling. The idea of spreading to other countries, including Canada, in 2003. The event was formerly known as World Storytelling Day. Except Antarctica, storytelling performances are held on every continent except Antarctica.
The most recent themes include::
2020: Voyages
Myths, Legends, and Epics of 2019: Myths, Legends, and Epics.
2018: Wise Fools
2017: Transformation
2016: Strong Women
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