World Contact Day
People from around the world join on World Contact to get in touch with extra-terrestrial (ET) life and alien civilizations every year on March 15th.
Nearly half of all human beings agree that intelligent alien civilization exists. This is according to a recent survey that was conducted in 24 different countries. More than 80% believe that there exists some life form on other planets. Many that believe in other life styles exist, so we should try to get in touch with them.
These are things that might help you change your mind if you are one of those who doesn't believe in aliens.
- The US government is seriously considering UFOs. The US government is taking UFOs seriously
- According to scientists, certain planets are habitable
- Many people claim to have personal contact with aliens and have been able to draw pictures describing their experiences
- Many people have reported UFO sightings and have taken photographs to prove it
- There are a few things in the sky that are simply unexplainable
Why haven't we kept in touch with aliens if aliens do exist? Several theories have been proposed. According to some, aliens are either asleep, hiding, or even evolving. According to some, humans haven't spent enough time looking. Maybe aliens are already here, but we haven't figured it out yet.
How to celebrate #world contact day by observing #world contact day
On this day, many UFO organisations around the world hold special events. People are encouraged to explore ET life. Meditation, prayer, analysis, or consciousness can all help them achieve this. Here are some other fun ways to participate aside from attempting to make contact:
- Watch your new alien film. If you don't have one, here are some good options: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Men in Black, Alien, Arrival, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and E.T. the Extra-terrestrial
- Binge-watch X-Files, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Stargate SG-1, or one of the many Star Trek series
- Consider how our world would change if we became involved with ET life
- Discuss with others whether or not there is life on other planets
- Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft by the Carpenter's Song Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft (which has become the official anthem for this day). You can also watch the video
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History of the world contact day has a long tradition
In 1953, the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB) celebrated the first World Contact Day. IFSB members sent a telepathic message into space on this day. "We are your friends, and we would like you to be here on EARTH," the message said. Please come in peace and support us in our EARTHLY woes. We want to hear from you, let us hear from you." Although the IFSB no longer exists, many people have tried to connect with aliens over the years. For a week in 2013, World Contact Day was commemorated on the 60th anniversary.