Sat Dec 30th
Falling Needles Family Fest Day
On December 30th, the Falling Needles Family Fest Day serves as a reminder to clean up and recycle the live Christmas tree.
- Every state has recycling options, some with pick up
- Mulch the tree for bedding around your house or donate to mulching programs
- Provide cover to birds and use the tree as a place to hang treats to feed them before recycling. The tree will need some anchoring, so see this article from Purdue University for more information. If winter is over, you can still use the tree for other recycling needs
- After your tree gave the birds cover, it can also provide cover to the fish. Trees are used to provide cover for spawning and feeding in ponds and lakes
- The tree can be chopped and used outside the firepit, although your tree should never be lit in a wood stove or fireplace indoors due to the type of oils in fir and evergreen trees
- Christmas trees can be used as soil erosion barriers for lakes, rivers, and dunes, depending on where you live
#fallingneedlesfamilyfestday is the annual event that takes place in the United States
After the Christmas Tree, get the family together and clear up after the holiday. Plan to save your tree and learn more about your options. To post on social media, use the hashtag #FallingNeedlesFamilyFestDay.
History of family fest day in the United States has a history of needles falling
Wellcat.com's Thomas and Ruth Roy created this awareness holiday. www.wellcat.com