International Universal Health Coverage Day
Every year, December 12th marks International Universal Health Coverage Day as a way to encourage countries to move toward universal Health Coverage (UHC). The day also aims to spread the word that access to affordable quality health care is a human right.
Universal health care is a program that provides quality medical services to all of its residents. No matter how much money they have to pay, the federal government provides health services to everyone. Out of 33 developed countries, only the United States has universal health care. President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010 (ACA). This, on the other hand, is not considered universal health care.
Americans are the most familiar with Canada's universal health care system out of all developed countries. No matter who can pay, Canada has a single-payer system in which free health is available to all, regardless of who is able to pay. Private supplemental insurance pays for Vision, dental, and prescription drugs. Universal health coverage has the following benefits: Here are a few of the benefits of universal health care.
- Lowers the overall cost of health-care services
- Lowers administrative expenses Lowers
- Services are standardizes and standardizes
- Prevents future social costs by preventing future social costs
There are some drawbacks as well. These include long wait times for medical services, health care costs that exceed government budgets, and healthy people who are sickest.
Despite these cons, the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to promote universal health coverage. According to WHO, UHC means that all individuals and groups can access the health services they need without fear of financial hardship. UHC is based on the WHO constitution of 1948, which declares that health is a fundamental human right. According to WHO, UHC also gives the possibility of improved health and protection for the world's poorest.
How to celebrate #internationaluniversalhealthcoverageday
On this day, activities are being organized to raise concerns of the need for a robust health system and universal health care. Many people around the world share their experiences about going without health care coverage. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register:
- Write to government officials, urging them to press for universal health care
- In your local paper, write an op-ed that states the benefits of universal health care. Write an op-ed that outlines the benefits of universal health care
- If you've ever gone without health care when you've needed it, please share your tale
- Watch a healthcare documentary that addresses the cost of health care. Money-Driven Medicine, The Waiting Room, and Escape Fire: The Struggle to Save American Healthcare is just a few of the Money-Driven Medicine, The Waiting Room, and Escape Fire: The Struggle to Save American Healthcare
- #InternationalUniversalHealthCoverageDay is a hashtag on social media. #InternationalUniversalHealthCoverageDay is a hashtag on social media. #InternationalUniversalHealthCoverageDay is a hashtag on social media
History of the international universal health coverage day
The United Nations General Assembly made it a priority to accelerate the transition toward Universal Health Coverage on December 12th, 2012. The United Nations General Assembly set a target of universal health coverage by 2030 in 2015. This included access to high-quality health care services as well as safe and affordable essential medications and vaccines for all. The United Nations passed a resolution on global health and foreign policy on December 12th, 2017 that focused on the wellbeing of the world's most endangered populations. The United Nations declared December 12th as International Universal Health Coverage Day on the same day. The following are the most popular topics for this day:
- Keep the Promise, 2019: Keep the Promise
- Unite for Universal Health Coverage: Now is the time for Collective Action in 2018: Unite for Universal Health Coverage: Now is the time for Collective Action: Collective Action is the time for Collective Action
- Health for All – Rise for Our Right in 2017 – Increase for Our Right