Mitten Tree Day
Mitten Tree Day, December 6th, commemorates the gift of warmth. It's a day to gather mittens, hang them on a Christmas tree, and then give them to those in need.
Many that live in cold climates understand the importance of mittens. This winter clothing piece is essential for keeping the hands warm while outside. Sadly, however, there are many children around the world without proper winter clothing, including mittens.
Mittens have existed for hundreds of years. Many in cold climates made mittens from fur, animal skin, and whatever other items could be found to keep the hands warm. Many believe the oldest mittens came from Latvia and are over 1,000 years old. However, Latvians didn't just use mittens to keep their hands warm, but also used gloves to keep their hands warm. Many pairs of knitted mittens were given a hope chest as Latvian women married. The mittens' unique patterns had specific meanings. Some patterns resembled a blessing for their family, while others were used to bless members of their families.
One of the first known mittens in the United States dates back to 1803. The mitten had a poem stitched into the wool. Abby Condon made hand-knitted mittens for soldiers during the Civil War, and she recruited women from all around New England to assist her. In just one year, 1,500 workers made 15,000 mittens.
So as you can see, mittens have been given away as gifts and to those in need all throughout history. This special day helps to preserve this tradition.
How to celebrate #mittentreeday
On this day, schools, churches, and charitable groups decorate a Christmas tree and encourage people to donate mittens. The mittens are tied on the tree and then distributed to those in need. You can participate by planting a Mitten Tree in your place of work, worship, or in your house. Ask your family, acquaintances, and coworkers to give mittens to your mittens. Many communities have child advocacy groups that are in need of mittens and other winter clothing items. MittenTreeDay is also on social media.
The mitten tree day is the first day of mitten tree day in history
Some believe Mitten Tree Day is a reference to Candace Christianson's book "The Mitten Tree." However, newspaper reports show that this day began before the book was published. In 1949, the first newspaper article appeared in a newspaper. Children of the Primary Department of St. Luke's Lutheran Church clipped mittens and gloves to the branches of a Christmas Tree, according to the article. These gloves were then turned over to the Lutheran World Service after Christmas and were then distributed to boys and girls in Europe, where warm clothing was badly needed. Boy and Girl Scout Troops of the 1950s and 1960s collected or made mittens to give away at Christmastime and hanging them on trees. Mitten Tree Day celebrations have been held every year on December 6th.