World Trauma Day - October 17 (1)
Tue Oct 17th

World Trauma Day

Every year on October 17th, World Trauma Day takes place. The day focuses on the importance of saving and protecting lives in times of disasters. It's also a day to provide information on how to prevent traumatic injuries and deaths.

What is trauma?

In the medical field, injury is classified as a physical condition. These physical injuries are the result of traumatic events. These include domestic violence, natural disasters, and serious automobile accidents. Traumatic injuries are not uncommonly traumatic. They also need urgent medical attention. It's not unusual for those who suffer a traumatic injury to go into shock. Some may even need resuscitation or surgical intervention to save the limbs. Following a traumatic injury, many people suffer a disability. For those people, their traumatic injury is lethal.


Traumatic injury is the leading cause of death under the age of 45 in the United States and around the world. Nearly 6 million people die each year as a result of severe injuries. This number accounts for 10% of deaths around the world. More deaths related to malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS combined are more likely than those related to trauma than HIV/AIDS. About 90% of these deaths occur in countries with low and middle incomes.

Traumatic injuries are also a leading cause of disability. Traumatic brain injuries are particularly debilitating. Each year, an estimated sixty-nine million people suffer from traumatic brain injury.

The more quickly medical attention is given, the greater the chance of assisting the patient. Unfortunately, there are several countries that have no means of getting patients quickly to a hospital. After a car accident, it can take up to an hour in certain countries, such as Kenya. Many hospitals in developing countries do not have the right medical equipment for emergency care. A further problem in hospitals is also a lack of adequately trained staff. If all these things were in place, half of road deaths in developing countries could be avoided.

How to celebrate #worldtraumaday in #worldtraumaday

On World Trauma Day, humanitarian staff from around the world teach others how to support others during a tragic event. Good Samaritan Laws have been enacted in several countries, including India, so that bystanders can provide assistance without fear of legal trouble.

Do you know CPR? Do you know CPR? If not, World Trauma Day is a good time to learn about it. These are other life-saving skills you may want to acquire include:: Other life-saving skills to acquire include::

  • The Heimlich Maneuver is the heir to the Heimlich Maneuver
  • Hypothermia prevention is the key to hypothermia prevention
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Defibrillator Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
  • Blood loss control
  • Escaping from a sinking vehicle is the best way to get out
  • A burning building is extinguishing a dying one
  • Reacting to snakebites is the most common reaction
  • Helping with allergic reactions can be helpful
  • You may save the life of a loved one or a perfect stranger by having these emergency lifesaving skills
  • Don't forget to share #WorldTraumaDay on social media

History has a long history of world trauma day

In 2011, World Trauma Day began in New Delhi, India, and was inaugurated in 2011. More than 400 people die each day as a result of road accidents in India. World Trauma Day was established in the United States as a way to reduce this number in their country and other nations around the world.