National Grand Marnier Day
On July 14th, the National Grand Marnier Day in the United States honors a spirit that adds citrus notes to cocktails and desserts. We've been enjoying the fruits of Grand Marnier's exquisite taste since the 1880s.
In the 1880s, Alexander Marnier-Lapostolle invented the orange liquor. His grand experiment blending fruit liquors with cognac took ten years to succeed. When it did, Lapostolle gave birth to one very expensive spirit. With a strong attitude, too, the cognac concoction blended one of the most expensive fruits of the time with a strong sense of humor. The result was truly grand. Grand Marnier is not only does it add a dash of citrus when mixed into drinks and desserts, but it can also be enjoyed plain.
Grand Marnier souffle bruleé is used in a long line of desserts including liquor cream buns, Yule log, cranberry sauce, Crepes Suzette, and Grand Marnier souffle creme bruleé. Grand Marnier is also used in the sauce of the roasted duck dish, Canard a l'Orange.
***Some examples of the mixed drinks including Grand Marnier are Cosmopolitan, Margarita, Sidecar, Dirty Harry, Grand Mimosa, B-52, the Grand Marnier Smash, Grand Smash, Smash Marnier, Bloody Smash, Maced Marnier, Ace Marnier Smash, Frosty Smash, Smace, Grand Hound, Blood Pug, Clarke, Nogley and the Grand Marnier Fireball.
However, don't forget that beverages and desserts are not limited. For more flavor in your sauces and marinades, use Grand Marnier. Your meat dishes will take center stage.
How to celebrate national grand marnier day
With Grand Marnier, you can enjoy a mixed drink. Why not make a dessert while sipping your cocktail? We've found some delectable ones to try out. To commemorate the day with you, Then, invite some family and friends over to celebrate the occasion with you. When you're enjoying your delectable dessert, you'll remember to celebrate Every Day. Share it with your friends by posting #NationalGrandMarnierDay on social media.
Sherbert, Grand Marnier Sherbert, Grand Marnier Sherbert, Grand Marnier Sherbert. Dip in Orange Marscapone Dip Orange Marscapone Dip. Grand Marnier Cake
The national grand marnier day in the United States has a rich history
We were unable to locate the originator of National Grand Marnier Day, but we were unable to find him.