World Population Day - July 11
Tue Jul 11th

World Population Day

On July 11th, World Population Day, focusing on balancing a healthy human race and the planet.

Sustainability issues are at the forefront of population growth, with reproductive rights and gender equality at the forefront of sustainability concerns. As the population increases, demand for services rises as well. Although some parts of the world love open spaces and room to move, others are overcrowded.

According to statistics, there were 5 billion humans for the world's population in 1987. The population is expected to be 11.5 billion by 2100, according to 2100. The growing population places a strain on both economic growth and infrastructure. Issues that were once minor have now become climatic. Healthcare, housing, education, logistics, and diet are all areas of concern.

While local communities are concerned about certain issues, global nations band together to confront others on a global basis. The day gives a platform for goals and a way to achieve those goals.

How to celebrate #worldpopulationday

Organizations around the world host conferences and seminars on the world's population. While taking a moment to consider our location in the world, we can explore these activities. How can we influence our neighborhood and what role do we play? Have you used your resources effectively as an individual out of many billion people on earth? Watch a documentary or read about population growth.

  • Population Overload (2018) directed by Philip Gardiner
  • Victor Velle, the 8 billion Angels' director, directed by Victor Velle, are the 8 billion Angels directed by Victor Velle
  • Lessons from 50 Years of Extraordinary Demographic History by David Lam from 50 years of Extraordinary Demographic History. How the World Survived the Population Bomb
  • Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson's Empty Planet are the Empty Planet

Learn more about the effects of population growth and the issues that have been raised. To find out more, visit to find out more.

History of the world population day is a day in history

The global population of the world was recognized on the Day of Five Billion in 1987. The United Nations Development Programme was launched in 1989, capturing the United Nations' attention, and the United Nations Development Programme was established in 1989. Governments and UN agencies set forth goals in 1994, during the International Conference on Population and Development's International Conference on Population and Development.

  • Universal education is being provided
  • Infant and child mortality are among the causes that lead to infant and child mortality
  • Reduce maternal mortality by reducing maternal mortality
  • Provide greater access to health and reproductive services