Gold Star Spouses Day
On April 5th, Gold Star Spouses Day honors the lives of military service members who died while serving their country.
The day provides remembrance for the spouses and their families, as well as a moment of appreciation for their sacrifices. On this day, many communities and organizations host activities to honor Gold Star families. They honor and commemorate fallen warriors through ceremonies, teas, memorial races, and luncheons.
Our service members' deaths go beyond the battlefield and their contribution to their country. They leave behind surviving wives and husbands who have become members of an exclusive group that no one wants to join. As a nation, we can provide the least we can provide in exchange for our help, knowledge, and admiration.
How to celebrate #goldstarspousesday
- Volunteer with a veterans group or attend a local event
- Stay connected if you know a Gold Star family
- In honor of fallen soldiers, visit memorials near you
- Include Gold Star families in memorial decisions to help them
- Visit goldstarwives.org to learn more about Gold Star spouses
- To post on social media, use the hashtag #GoldStarSpousesDay
The day is a gold star spouses day celebration in the United States' history
Army Captain Robert L. Queissner paved the way for Gold Star families during World War I and Army Captain Robert L. Queissner's service. National Gold Star Mother's Day was announced on June 23, 1936 by a joint congressional resolution to take place on the Last Sunday in September on June 23, 1936. President Barack Obama changed the day to "Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day" in 2011.
In 2010, the first Gold Star Wives Day was held in December. On April 5th, the United States Senate named Gold Star Wives Day to be commemorated each year. Then in 2012, the U.S. Senate named Gold Star Wives Day to be commemorated each year. The Senate later expanded to include all spouses, and the day's name is often used interchangeably.
All spouses are welcome by the non-profit group Gold Star Wives, Inc.
Gold star FAQ
Q. Does the gold star refer to every branch of the military?
A. Yes. Yes. All branches of the military recognize gold star families and their service members.
Q. When is Gold Star Mother's Day?
A. The last Sunday in May is National Gold Star Mother's Day.