First Contact Day
On April 5th, the First Contact Day in the United States honors a fictional date in the future when an alien species visits Earth and makes contact with Earthlings for the first time.
Although the fictional date of 2063 is less than half a decade away, mere humans contemplate the possibilities the more we explore space. Not only do the modern explorers keep our curiosity piqued, but the science fiction genre continues to pour out stories that inspire and inspire us.
The first meeting between humans and extraterrestrials is depicted in one of science fiction's most popular themes. Area 51 is surrounded by conspiracy theories, but a common one claims that the first contact was made there. UFOs are also fueling rumors about the first contact. The first documented sighting of a UFO in 1639 was documented by John Winthrop, governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Although commemorating the first contact could mean many things, this commemoration focuses on one specific – the Vulcan/humankind meeting. That's correct. It's a "final frontier" kind of celebration.
How to #firstcontactdaycom
- Before you board the US Enterprise, brush up on your Star Trek history. You'll need to look at a little more recent past in particular
- In any case, here are some suggestions for your fiester
- Attendance of the first contact re-enactment party
- Your Vulcan greeting is a Vulcan greeting
- Watch the movie Star Trek: First Contact. First Contact: First Contact Watch the film Star Trek: First Contact. First Contact: First Contact. First Contact: First Contact
- Visit Bozeman, Montana, Bozeman, Montana
- Share your first contact stories. Share your first contact stories
- Participate in the online celebrations
- Play the song "A Magic Carpet Ride" on Play
- Download and print the day's coloring page
- On social media, use #FirstContactDay to share your experiences and join the discussion
History's first contact day was the first contact day
Star Trek: First Contact, a 1996 film starring George Harrison, was released in theaters around the country. Dr. Zefram Cochrane, a legendary figure in Starfleet and crew, travels through time and encounter the legendary figure. The Phoenix, His spacecraft, launches and becomes the first human to reach warp drive in human history. Vulcans appear at the base near Boseman, Montana, moments after the launch.
The date is April 5, 2063, and First Contact Day commemorates Dr. Cochrane's contributions and the first interactions between humans and Vulcans. Present-day sci-fi enthusiasts attend the festival as well.
First contact FAQ
Q. Who appeared in Star Trek: First Contact?
Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Alfre Woodard, Levar Burton, Brent Spiner, and Gates McFadden are only a few of the actors who appeared in Star Trek: First Contact. Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Alfre Woodard, Jonathan Frakes, Alfre Woodard, Jonathan Frakes, Alfre Woodard, Jonathan Frakes, Jonathan Frakes, Alfre Woodard
Q. Is there any other films that depict a first contact situation?
A. Hollywood has long been a source of sci-fi dreams, with travelers from another world's first contact with humans. Some of those films include:: Some of those films include:: Some of those films include::
- he War of the Worlds directed by Byron Haskin and starring Gene Barry and Ann Robinson (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds (1953) The War of the Worlds
- (1977) Close Encounters of the Third Kind directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut, and Terri Garr
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial directed by Steven Spielberg (1982) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial starring Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, and C. Thomas Howell
- (1997) Contact directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey, and James Woods