Constitution Day and Citizenship Day | September 17
Sun Sep 17th

Constitution Day And Citizenship Day

On September 17th, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day honors the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and those that have become United States citizens. On this day, members of the United States Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787.

#constitutionday or #citizenshipday

The Constitutional Convention is the body of the Constitutional Convention. Although many contributed to the creation of the document that is now known as the United States Constitution, James Madison wrote the essay that would lay the foundation for the Constitution. Many who participated in its construction gathered in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the sultry summer of 1787. The Convention was presided over by George Washington, who presided over it. However, many "Founding Fathers" were off to other diplomatic positions, unable to participate, so many "Founding Fathers" were unable to participate. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, served abroad on behalf of his country. John Adams has also worked in the United States. Patrick Henry, on the other hand, refused to attend due to principle and preferring the Articles of Confederation. Others were eventually swayed Henry when convention leaders introduced a Bill of Rights.

When is Bill of Rights Day? The convention lasted from May 25 to September 17, 1787. During that time, the 55 delegates debated the government's roles, checks, and balances, as well as the people's rights and freedoms. They divided the government into three departments: the legislative branch to make the rules; the executive to enforce the regulations; and the judicial to interpret the rules.

The delegates were exposed to extreme weather, heat, and sickness. Despite the circumstances, they introduced a Bill of Rights enumerating the people's rights and freedoms.

Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and George Washington all signed the Constitution.

Delaware became the first state to ratify the Constitution on December 7, 1787. So the process began, with each state's permission. Rhode Island did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention, so there were no delegates. Their headstrong characters did not understand a wealthy government and clung to their independence as long as they could. They were the last state to ratify the Constitution on May 29, 1790, as a result.


"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside" is the citizenship term. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution defines citizenship as "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof." The amendment was approved on July 28, 1868, according to Secretary of State William Seward.

Although the 14th Amendment was the first step in a long line of amendments defining citizens and their rights, it took decades to enforce some of those rights.

For example, the ability to vote is one of a citizen's most coveted powers. Both blacks and women are guaranteed by the 15th and 19th Amendments. However, many Native Americans were not granted citizenship until 1924, but it wasn't until 1924 that all Native Americans were granted citizenship. Many Native Americans were allowed to vote for the first time through the Indian Citizenship Act. Despite this, this bill did not prevent some states from prohibiting others from voting.

How to observe constitution day is a mystery

Learn more about the United States Constitution and the citizenship process in the United States. Explore the Constitution's past. Study the people who drafted the Constitution and the road to its ratification.

Constitution Day is the history of the United States constitution day

This holiday dates back to 1911, when Iowa first recognized Constitution Day in 1911. The Sons of the American Revolution, founded in 1917, founded a committee to celebrate Constitution Day. Then, in 1917, the Sons of the American Revolution founded a committee to celebrate Constitution Day. Calvin Coolidge, John D. Rockefeller, and General John Pershing were among the members of that committee's board, including Calvin Coolidge, John D. Rockefeller, and General John Pershing.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared "I am an American Day" in 1940, and Congress designated the third Sunday in May to commemorate it. By 1949, the governors of all 48 states had issued Constitution Day proclamations. Congress changed the name from "I am an American Day" to "Citizenship Day" on February 29, 1952, and the date was changed to September 17. In 2004, the day was renamed Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

Constitution Day FAQ

Q. How many revisions have been made to the United States Constitution?

A. There have been 27 amendments to the constitution. The Bill of Rights' first ten amendments is included in the Bill of Rights. The 18th Amendment is repealed by One amendment, the 21st Amendment, repeals the 18th Amendment.

Q. How many original copies of the Constitution were there?

A. When the United States Constitution was signed, 13 additional copies were hand-copied so that each of the 13 original states would have a copy. Some of the original copies have been lost over the centuries. However, the original paper can be seen at the National Archives Museum.

Q. What other U.S. documents does the National Archives Museum hold?

A. The National Archives Museum also houses the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and several other items in its vaults.