Canada Day
Around the world, Canadian's everywhere celebrate Canada Day on July 1st. Through the Constitution Act on July 1, 1867, three provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canada Province) became one country. On February 15th, Canadians honour their flag.
Although all the provinces and territories celebrate the national holiday, the day isn't celebrated in the same way around the world. Most businesses are closed for the day, but different celebrations take place depending on the province. Much of the country will celebrate summer-like festivities, including barbecues, fireworks, and concerts. However, a moving day attitude is also unique to Quebec. The holiday takes a back seat to those who don't renew since lease terms come to an end in Quebec on July 1st.
Around canada
Calgary, Toronto, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, and Saskatoon may be some of Canada's most recognizable cities. Canada has many other things to celebrate in addition to its independence. The country's natural beauty is stunning. In New Brunswick, beaches off each of the coasts, and national parks around the country, there are also spectacular bays. Don't miss any of these. If the nightlife is what you like, Canada knows how to entertain, too. Unmatched shopping, dining, and entertainment will be found in the cities.
Of course, the festivities aren't complete unless you include something delectable. While the backyard barbecues will be delicious, don't forget the Canadian creations. Maple syrup may be the first thing to come to mind at first, but Canadians are aware there's so much more. For example, the spicy Caesar challenges the Bloody Mary to a taste test when it comes to beverages. Poutine is also loved by Canadians – crisp fries, fresh cheese curds, and gravy.
The main course is delectable with lobster rolls. While you might want to skip dessert, don't bother. In delectable butter tarts, you'll find your maple syrup. If you like pie, flapper pie with a mountain of meringue fills the bill.
How to celebrate #canadaday
Grab a sparkler, a slice of pie, and a moving box. It's Canada Day! No matter where you are, celebrate! Or attend a local festival. Sing "O'Canada" or attend a local event. When expressing your Canadian roots, wear red and white.
At Canada.ca, learn more about Canada's past at Canada.ca.
#CanadaDay on social media to track the day's talk.
Canada day history
Although Canadian's birth of their country has been celebrated for more than 100 years, the national holiday didn't become official until 1982. Several events lead up to the event's declaration.
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, two of the Canadian colonies, and New Brunswick, split into a larger British federation of four provinces on July 1, 1867, adding Ontario and Quebec. When the Constitution Act or the British North America Act was signed, the date is considered the first recognition of Canada.
- Governor General Lord Monck signs a proclamation urging all Her Majesty's subjects around Canada to commemorate July 1. 1868, 1868 – June 20, 1868 – Governor General Lord Monck signs a proclamation requesting that all Her Majesty's subjects across Canada commemorate July 1
- 1879 – A federal law makes July 1 a statutory holiday in the United States' "Anniversary of Confederation" (which is later designated as "Dominion Day) on July 1, 1879
- Officially, "Dominion Day" is now "Canada Day" on October 27, 1982, 1982 – July 1, 1982. "Dominion Day" has officially become "Canada Day" on October 27, 1982