Bastille Day - July 14 - France - fireworks
Fri Jul 14th

Bastille Day

On July 14th, Bastille Day (also known as la Fête nationale) commemorates the storming of the Bastille in Paris in 1789. The event sparked already hot times in France, leading to the French Revolution.

The French tricolor flag waves during parades, festivals, fireworks, and other celebrations are found throughout the region. The Eiffel Tower lights up in the country's flag's colors, blue, white, and red. The French proudly display the motto Liberté, Egalite Fraternité (liberty, equality, and fraternity).

The French mounted Europe's oldest and largest military parade for Bastille Day along the Champs-Elysées. Of course, it would not be a celebration or France if the festivities didn't include delectable food or wine. Picnics in parks and along the rivers, baguettes with the best cheeses and fresh fruit, and elaborate dishes have all become part of the festivities. The City of Lights comes alive with music, dancing, and singing. And it's all punctuated with the grand finale of fireworks.

How to celebrate #bastilleday

On July 14th, join in the merriment. Plan a trip to France on a trip to France. Although the holiday is a French national holiday, many countries around the world are participating in the celebrations.

  • The Bastille Day festival is taking place in Toronto, Canada. They indulge in French history, from food to sports
  • More than 50 cities are staging activities in honor of the French revolutionaries. Some of the most popular activities take place in New Orleans, Philadelphia, and New York. Some of the most popular take place in New Orleans, Philadelphia, and New York. However, if that's too far to travel, check your local event planners for festivities near you
  • Music, entertainment, tournaments, and other such merriment are among the day's festivities in London. You may also find a garden party or guillotine, depending on the location
  • If New Zealand is in your travel plans, you'll find a French connection there. Festivals vary depending on where they are held, but it's worth checking out if you are there
  • In traditional Polynesian style, French Polynesia celebrates. The day was packed with food, music, and dances rich in Polynesian heritage. Canoe races, fire walking, and tattooing are all typical outdoor pursuits
  • On July 14th, Guadeloupe will host celebrations similar to those in France. Parades, festivals, and fireworks displays are held on the Caribbean island of Trinidad

Where you are? Staying where you are? Learn some French or enjoy some French cuisine. Their history or their wines are among the topics that have been studied. Plan a trip to France with a trip to France. Les Miserables' production is on view.

Learn more by visiting and using #BastilleDay to post on social media.

Bastille day history

In Paris, the Bastille, a military fortress and a jail, was a prison. During a time when the French monarchy and the country were going through upheaval, it maintained political oppositions. Empty coffers after supporting the Americans against the British in their revolution, continued spending by the king, famine, and unemployment caused widespread unrest among the population.

The Bastille attack came after King Louis XVI had summoned the Estates-General to address the economic crisis. The Estates-General is divided by socioeconomic class; the clergy populates the 1st Estate, the nobility creates the 2nd Estate, and the commoners form the 3rd Estate. Although the 3rd Estate outnumbered the other two, the 1st and 2nd could combine their efforts to depose the 3rd Estate. Friction followed, prompting the commoners' formation of the National Assembly and demanding a new constitution.

Although the king acknowledged the National Assembly, he also carried out military moves. The reasons for the 3rd Estate's assault on the Bastille were twofold: they needed weapons and freeing the political prisoners represented liberty for France.

Although the French celebrated Bastille Day one year after revolutionaries wreaked the jail, the day didn't become a national holiday until 1880.