April 17th is International Bat Appreciation, National Cheeseball, National Crawfish, National Ellis Island Family History, National Haiku Poetry and more!

International Bat Appreciation Day

Every year on April 17th, International Bat Appreciation Day reminds us of the important roles bats play in our daily lives. Bats are also the best time of the year to see bats as they are now emerging from hibernation. The observance of Bats is a good opportunity to learn about the role bats play in nature. Since bats are classified as insectivorous animals, they have rid our world of several invasive insects. A bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in one hour.

National Cheeseball Day

National Cheeseball Day is celebrated on April 17th, and the country recognizes a party dish that can often be the focal point of a spread. You can also choose from two ways to celebrate. Or plan your party and dine both!

National Crawfish Day

On April 17th, South's most popular foods, National Crawfish Day, commemorates one of the South's most popular foods. Each year, the mudbug brings out not only a desire for newspaper-covered picnic tables but also a language all its own.

National Ellis Island Family History Day

National Ellis Island Family History Day, held on April 17th, encourages families to explore their ancestry and find relatives who immigrated through Ellis Island each year.

National Haiku Poetry Day

On April 17, National Haiku Poetry Day, an annual event that is celebrated annually, encourages people to try their hand at creativity. Haiku poetry is a form of Japanese poetry that is non-rhyming and usually consist of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Usually, haiku poems are inspired by an element of nature, a season, a moment of beauty, or an individual's experience. Sensory words are used to capture a feeling, image, or moment.